Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Living History of Pocock

George Pocock and Charley McIntyre

Charley generously provided writers with material about the history of rowing, and especially the rich history of the Pocock family. The article above was written just after Pocock Racing Shells was sold to Bill Tytus, another of Charley's students. Thankfully, all the fears of change expressed in the article were unfounded. Bill Tytus has made the Pocock family proud with his attention to detail and quality in creating the fast boats of today.
Bill was like a son to Charley. They were lifelong friends. Charley was proud of Bill's achievement as a sculler, but mostly, he was proud of the business he built and the man he'd become.
Thanks to Guy Harper for providing us with the article.
To read the article, hover-over it and click to enlarge.

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